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When I was a kid, I was big into dinosaurs. I still am, but as I got older I realised that while the animals of the past are fascinating, the people and cultural structures of the past were even more complex and fascinating. So while stegosaurs are still my jam, archaeology is my J. Bush & Sons Marlborough Manuka Honey.


There are many reasons I love archaeology: the problem solving, the constant learning, the physical parts of the job, and the ability to help represent those parts of the population underrepresented in history. I believe we inherit the heritage of those who come before us, and feel an immense and important connection to the archaeology of New Zealand, be it Māori, Pākehā, Chinese, or the numerous other groups who contribute to this awesome place. We all benefit from that rich history, and we all share the responsibility to honour and protect that heritage. After working for several years overseas, I’m happy to be back home and working to protect, record, and advocate for our country’s unique heritage. Also, sometimes there’s cake.

© 2017 by Underground Overground Archaeology

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