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Like many people, as a kid I was enthralled by the adventures of whip-wielding Indiana Jones. Although many fellow archaeologists will cringe,

it was my first experience of an (albeit fictional) archaeologist. In addition to this, I was interested in both mythology and history, and believed that archaeology was a way to find answers to the mysteries of the past. While the more swashbuckling elements of my career dreams have been dashed by reality, my inkling that archaeology would lead to many interesting mysteries and discoveries would prove to be correct. My favourite parts of the jobs are when I get to piece together an interpretation using all of the tools at my disposal, such as historical research, archaeological investigation, context, artefacts and the experience of my colleagues. I’ve always been interested in people’s stories, both past and present, and being able to discover additional information about what has (or hasn’t) been written is always exciting. I’m very privileged to be able to contribute to the understanding of our narrative through archaeology.

© 2017 by Underground Overground Archaeology

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