From an early age, I was fascinated by history. I was first interested in the ancient Egyptian civilisation then the Roman Empire. However, my passion for archaeology came about when I would roam the desert where I grew up in Utah looking for early Native American lithics or ‘arrowheads’ with my family. I have since mended my ways after understanding the importance of context and leaving material for the future, but the same interest that drew me to ‘arrowhead hunting’ led me to study archaeology. Throw in a love of being outdoors and it was a good match.
I think recording and interpreting the past is important. Although the ‘ancient’ cultures such as the early Egyptians are really cool, I think that the recent past is just as cool. If there aren’t archaeologists recording the material, it would be destroyed forever and the information lost. Since I have been in New Zealand, I have encountered many New Zealanders who don’t think their history is important as, say, European nations. Through my job I would like to think that I am at least introducing an interest and understanding in New Zealand’s history and showing that archaeology does not need to be ancient to be cool.